How to find Low Competition niches By using Google Bard

A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding low Competitive Niches with Bard.

In the vast world of online businesses and content creation, finding the right niche is crucial for success. Whether you are a blogger, entrepreneur, or content creator, discovering a niche with low competition can be a game-changer. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process of using Google Bard to identify competitive niches and capitalize on untapped opportunities.

Step 1: Brainstorming Niche Ideas

a. Personal Interests

Start by identifying three things you are genuinely interested in. For instance, if you enjoy playing football, put that on your list.

b. Learning Goals

Next, jot down three things you aspire to learn. This could be anything from mastering swimming to delving into data analytics.

c. Inspirations

Finally, list three things that inspire you. This can be broad, such as movies, books, or historical events. This diverse list forms the foundation for your niche exploration.

Step 2: Using Google Bard to Generate Sub-Niche Ideas

Now armed with your list, approach Google Bard with a specific prompt:

“Using the example of my given niche, can you please give me the same breakdown for the niche I am looking for? Here is my niche: [Enter Your Niche Here]. Try to find 4 to 5-word long-tail keywords in this niche.”

For example, if your niche is football, your prompt could look like this:

“Using the example of my given niche, can you please give me the same breakdown for the niche I am looking for? Here is my niche: Football — Football players — Football players ranking — Football players ranking 2023 — football player ranking 2023 fifa.”

Step 3: Checking Competition of Niche Ideas

After receiving sub-niche ideas from Google Bard, choose the niche that aligns with your interests. Now, it’s time to assess the competition.

  • Allintitle Analysis: Check the “allintitle” of your selected keyword to understand the competition. Lower numbers indicate lower competition.
  • Top 10 Results: Examine the top 10 search results for your chosen keyword. Evaluate their content, backlinks, and overall quality.
  • Traffic Assessment: Determine how much traffic these keywords are generating. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can provide insights.
  • Spy on Low Authority Domains: Identify low-authority domains ranking in your chosen niche. Analyze their keywords and gather low-competitive alternatives.

Step 4: YouTube Video Tutorial Niche Research with Bard


Google Bard serves as a powerful tool for niche research, providing valuable insights into potential markets. By combining personal interests, learning goals, and inspirations, you can use Bard to uncover niches with untapped potential. Remember to assess competition thoroughly, focusing on allintitle, top results, and traffic metrics.


Q1: What if I don’t have clear interests or learning goals?

A1: Take your time to reflect on your hobbies, activities you enjoy, and topics that pique your curiosity. The key is to create a diverse list that sparks your genuine interest.

Q2: How frequently should I revisit my chosen niche’s competition?

A2: Regularly monitor the competition landscape, especially when entering a new niche. Trends and competitors can change, so staying informed is crucial for ongoing success.

Following these steps will empower you to make informed decisions, helping you find a  low competitive niche that aligns with your interests and has the potential for growth. Happy niche hunting!

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