How To Find Keyword organic and paid trend By Using SEMrush

Imagine having a tool that makes SEO (search engine optimization) super easy. Well, that tool is SEMrush! It’s like a digital detective that helps us understand a lot about websites. Today, let’s dive into something exciting: figuring out which words are popular, both naturally and when people pay to show them off.

Find Keyword organic and paid trend From SEMrush


How to Find Natural Keyword Trends:

Alright, let’s start. Type a word into SEMrush. What happens next is like magic! It tells us how often people search for that word, how much advertisers pay to use it, and more. There’s even a chart that shows if the word is cool in some months but not so much in others. This chart helps us decide if a word is worth using on our websites.

Checking Advertisements for Keywords:

But wait, there’s more! SEMrush doesn’t just spill the beans on natural popularity. It also spills the beans on when companies pay to put ads for a word. Picture this: charts with candles that tell us when ads for a word are shining bright. It’s like having a sneak peek into the world of paid popularity.

Why Keyword Trends Matter in SEO:

Now, let’s talk about why this is a big deal. For newbies (that’s just a fancy word for people who are new to all of this), not understanding keyword trends can be a bit like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. Picking topics without checking if they’re popular in certain months might mean missing out on a lot of attention. And if you forget to look at ads for a word, you might not see where others are getting lots of visitors from.

Helping Newbies Understand:

Newcomers sometimes struggle because they don’t realize that certain words are like superstars only at certain times. Ignoring trends can make them work on words that aren’t stealing the spotlight right now. Also, not checking ads means they might miss out on getting visitors through paid ads. It’s like not knowing about the coolest party in town!

So, here’s the deal. SEO might sound like a big, fancy word, but with SEMrush, it’s like having a superhero sidekick. By using this tool, we can figure out which words are stealing the show right now and which ones need a bit more time in the spotlight. It’s like a secret weapon for making our websites awesome and getting more people to check them out. So, whether you’re just starting or feeling like an SEO pro, SEMrush is your trusty guide in the world of keyword trends!

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