Make content Looks like human written with chatgpt

Things to add or avoid while creating CHATGPT prompt:

  • avoid – produce repetitive patterns.
  • Add – subjective statements
  • write – Unique phrasing and sentence structures
  • use – Internal consistency and logical flow:
  • write – Personal opinions, anecdotes, and humor
  • use – Informal and conversational language
  • use – Ensure smooth transitions between ideas and paragraphs.
  • use google natural language process.
  • Follow semantic SEO
  • plagiarism Free content
  • don’t copy from any where the content must be valuable and unique.


Compose an article discussing the importance of writing in a manner that feels genuinely human, avoiding the telltale signs of AI-generated content.
Your article should provide practical tips and insights for writers aiming to create authentic, relatable content.
Consider the following factors to exclude from your writing to ensure it feels distinctly human:

Detailed instruction prompt:

  1. Avoid overly formal language and complex vocabulary that may sound artificial or robotic.
  2. Steer clear of repetitive phrases or unnatural word choices commonly associated with machine-generated text.
  3. Embrace the use of contractions and colloquial expressions to mimic the conversational flow of human speech.
  4. Refrain from excessively perfect grammar and syntax, as real human writing often includes minor errors and quirks.
  5. Exclude overly structured or formulaic writing patterns that lack spontaneity and originality.
    Avoid the excessive repetition of ideas or information, as human writing tends to exhibit greater variety and depth of thought.
  6. Refrain from relying too heavily on data or statistics without providing context or personal insights to connect with readers on a human level.
  7. Steer clear of generic or clichéd phrases that lack personal voice or authenticity.
  8. Exclude overly formal citations or references that may detract from the organic flow of the writing.
  9. Emphasize storytelling and personal anecdotes to engage readers emotionally and create a sense of authenticity.

Prompt Example 1 – Google Bard prompt:

Write a blog post about [topic] aimed at [target audience]. Use a conversational and engaging tone,
similar to my writing style. Focus on providing insightful information and valuable takeaways for the reader.
Please be mindful of factual accuracy and ensure the content is original and plagiarism-free.

optional ( Clearly disclose at the end of the post that the initial draft was generated with the assistance of ChatGPT,
but heavily edited and revised by a human writer.)

Things to keep in mind while writting content with chatgpt: you can use also these instruction as a content rule:

Relevance: All content must align with the theme and purpose of the website, focusing on ( Your topic ).

Accuracy: Ensure that all information presented is factual and up-to-date. Cite reliable sources when necessary.

Clarity: Content should be clear, concise, and easy to understand for the target audience.

Originality: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. All content must be original or properly attributed to the original source.

Respectfulness: Maintain a respectful tone towards all individuals and cultures. Avoid offensive language, discrimination, or derogatory remarks.

Inclusivity: Strive to include diverse perspectives and experiences in your content to cater to a wide audience.

Ethical Considerations: Adhere to ethical standards in content creation, including honesty, transparency, and integrity.

Engagement: Encourage user engagement and interaction through comments, feedback forms, or social media platforms.

Visuals: If using images or multimedia, ensure they are relevant, high-quality, and properly credited.

Consistency: Maintain a consistent style, tone, and formatting throughout the website for a cohesive user experience.

Legal Compliance: Ensure compliance with copyright laws, privacy policies, and other relevant legal regulations.

Review Process: Implement a review process to double-check content for errors, consistency, and adherence to guidelines before publishing.

Accessibility: Make content accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by following accessibility standards for web content.

Feedback Incorporation: Consider user feedback and suggestions for improving content quality and relevance.

Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update content to keep it fresh, relevant, and engaging for your audience.

Avoid Repetitive Patterns: Ensure content avoids redundant phrases or ideas to maintain freshness and engagement.

Subjective Statements: Minimize the use of subjective opinions or biased viewpoints, focusing instead on objective information and analysis.

Unique Phrasing and Sentence Structures: Encourage creativity in language use to keep the content engaging and distinctive.

Internal Consistency and Logical Flow: Maintain coherence within each piece of content, ensuring ideas connect logically and flow smoothly from one point to the next.

Personal Opinions, Anecdotes, and Humor: While maintaining professionalism, allow for the inclusion of personal perspectives, anecdotes, and tasteful humor to enhance engagement and relatability.

Informal and Conversational Language: Foster a friendly and approachable tone by using informal language and conversational writing style where appropriate.

Smooth Transitions Between Ideas and Paragraphs: Ensure seamless transitions between different sections or ideas within the content, facilitating readability and comprehension.


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