Technical Website Audit Report

Technical website SEO audit report and competitor analysis:, a digital marketing and SEO consultancy platform led by Irtiza underwent a comprehensive technical website audit. This audit aimed to evaluate the site’s performance, identify areas for improvement, and ensure optimal functionality. The findings and recommendations outlined in this report are crucial for enhancing user experience, search engine visibility, and overall digital performance.

1. Website Performance:

  • Page Load Speed: The average page load speed was analyzed using various tools, and it was found to be within acceptable limits. However, optimizing image sizes and minimizing HTTP requests can further enhance performance.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: is mobile-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience across devices. Minor adjustments in font sizes and spacing can improve mobile usability.

2. SEO Analysis:

  • On-Page SEO: Content analysis revealed well-optimized pages with strategically placed keywords. Meta tags, including titles and descriptions, are effectively utilized.
  • Keyword Strategy: The target keyword “digital marketing” is strategically incorporated, but diversifying and expanding the keyword portfolio could attract a broader audience.

3. Technical Infrastructure:

  • Hosting Performance: The website is currently hosted on a reliable server, contributing to its overall stability. Consider periodic server performance assessments to ensure consistent reliability.
  • Security Measures: The site employs standard security protocols. Regular security audits and updates are recommended to fortify against potential vulnerabilities.

4. User Experience (UX):

  • Navigation: The website features intuitive navigation, guiding users seamlessly through content. Implementing visual cues and optimizing call-to-action buttons can further enhance user engagement.
  • Accessibility: The site meets basic accessibility standards. However, incorporating ARIA landmarks and conducting accessibility testing can improve inclusivity.

5. Backlink Profile:

  • Backlink Quality: The backlink profile is generally strong, indicating a healthy online presence. Regular backlink audits and disavowal of toxic links, if any, are advised to maintain a positive reputation.

6. Content Strategy:

  • Content Relevance: The content on is informative and relevant. Consider updating and expanding existing content to address emerging industry trends and user queries.
  • Multimedia Utilization: Incorporating multimedia elements, such as videos and infographics, can enhance engagement and diversify content presentation.

7. Recommendations and Next Steps:

  • Implement image optimization techniques to improve page load speed.
  • Conduct a thorough mobile usability review to address minor adjustments.
  • Expand keyword strategy to target a wider audience.
  • Periodic server performance assessments to ensure consistent reliability.
  • Enhance security measures through regular audits and updates.
  • Implement visual cues and optimize call-to-action buttons for improved UX.
  • Conduct accessibility testing and implement ARIA landmarks.
  • Regularly audit backlinks and disavow toxic links if identified.
  • Update and expand existing content to address emerging trends.
  • Integrate multimedia elements to enhance content diversity.

This technical website audit report provides a roadmap for optimizing, ensuring a robust online presence aligned with industry best practices. Implementation of the recommended actions will contribute to sustained growth, improved user satisfaction, and enhanced search engine visibility.

Our Technical website audit service:

With our comprehensive technical audit, we will thoroughly analyze your website to identify any issues that may be hindering its performance. This includes on-page optimization, site structure, crawlability, and other technical things in detail.

Our team of experts will then provide you with clear recommendations for how to improve your website’s technical Search engine optimization and increase its visibility in search results.

What you get from this

  1. Comprehensive technical audit of the web.
  2. Analysis of on-page optimization, site structure, and crawlability
  3. Clear recommendations for improving technical errors
  4. Improve the site visibility in search results
  5. Increase traffic and sales
  6. Identify and fix technical issues
  7. Ensure the web meets best practices and standards
  8. Improve search engine rankings
  9. Enhanced user experience for visitors
  10. Response Codes: (2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx)
  11. Missing, Duplicate META Data
  12. H1 Heading Missing, Duplicate
  13. Internal and external links
  14. Schema data, Canonicals
  15. Non-Indexable, Images Alt Text
  16. Low Content Pages, Hreflang & More

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